Political Party | European affiliation | Number of votes | Percentage of votes | Number of seats | Trend compared to 2019 |
Fidesz-KDNP | EPP / NI | 2 031 063 | 44.79% | 1 / 10 | ↓ 2 |
TISZA - Tisztelet és Szabadság Pártja | EPP | 1 342 096 | 29.6% | 7 | Newcomer |
DK-MSZP-P - Coalition DK-MSZP-P (Demokratikus Koalíció, Magyar Szocialista Párt, Párbeszéd-Zöldek) | S&D | 366 217 | 8.08% | 2 | ↓ 3 |
Mi Hazánk | NI | 305 517 | 6.74% | 1 | Newcomer |
MEP | Gender | National party | Political group in the European Parliament |
Tamás Deutsch | m | (National parties that are members of this coalition) Fidesz-KDNP Coalition Fidesz – Magyar Polgári Szövetség - Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt | PFE |
Kinga Gál | f | Fidesz-KDNP Coalition | PFE |
András Gyürk | m | Fidesz-KDNP Coalition | PFE |
Csaba Dömötör | m | Fidesz-KDNP Coalition | PFE |
Ernő Schaller-Baross | m | Fidesz-KDNP Coalition | PFE |
Pál Szekeres | m | Fidesz-KDNP Coalition | PFE |
Viktória Ferenc | f | Fidesz-KDNP Coalition | PFE |
Annamária Vicsek | f | Fidesz-KDNP Coalition | PFE |
Enikő Győri | f | Fidesz-KDNP Coalition | PFE |
András László | m | Fidesz-KDNP Coalition | PFE |
György Ernő Hölvényi | m | Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt (KDNP) | PFE |
Péter Magyar | m | TISZA Tisztelet és Szabadság Pártja | EPP |
Dóra Dávid | f | TISZA | EPP |
Zoltán Tarr | m | TISZA | EPP |
Dr. András Kulja | m | TISZA | EPP |
Eszter Lakos | f | TISZA | EPP |
Dr. Gabriella Gerzsenyi | f | TISZA | EPP |
Dr. Kinga Kollár | f | TISZA | EPP |
Dr. Klára Dobrev | f | DK-MSZP-P Coalition DK-MSZP-P (Demokratikus Koalíció, Magyar Szocialista Párt, Párbeszéd-Zöldek) | S&D |
Dr. Csaba Molnár | m | DK-MSZP-P Coalition | S&D |
Zsuzsanna Borvendég | f | Mi Hazánk Mozgalom | ESN |
Political parties | European affiliation | Number of votes | Percentage of votes | Number of seats | Trend compared with 2014 |
Fidesz – Hungarian Civic Alliance & Christian Democratic People's Party | EPP | 1 795 013 | 52.33 % | 13 | ↑ |
Democratic Coalition - DK | S&D | 555 258 | 16.19 % | 4 | ↑ |
Momentum | Renew Europe | 339 196 | 9.89 % | 2 | New |
Hungarian Socialist Party - MSZP | S&D | 228 333 | 6.66 % | 1 | ↑ |
Jobbik - Movement for a Better Hungary | 219 715 | 6.41 % | 1 | ↓ |
Election Dates : 9 June 2024
> Number of MEPs : 21
> At what age can one vote? 18 years
> At what age can one be elected? 18 years
> Who can vote? European citizens living in Hungary.
Voting method : Closed list
> Means for attributing seats : D’Hondt Method
> Can candidates be chosen from a list? No
Democratic parliamentary republic
– Head of State : Janos Ader
– Prime Minister : Viktor Orbán
> Currency : Forint (HUF) (exchange rate in September 2023: 1€ = 387.73 HUF)
> GDP: 170,246.8 million € (2022)
> GDP per capita (PPP): 14,370 € (2022)
> GDP growth: 0.5% (2023)
> Unemployment: 4.1% (August 2023)
> Inflation: 12.2% (September 2023)
> Public debt: 73.3% of GDP (December 2022)
> Public deficit: 6.5% of GDP (December 2022)
Surface Area : 93 030 km² (source : The CIA World Factbook)
– 9,7 million inhabitants (est. 2023)